
Women artists lection/Лекція Українські мисткині для "Її лекторій"

Opening of the exhibition "Ukrainian artists" by Tetyana Kornienko in the Forest Art Space

Exhibition "Ukrainian artists"

Full list of events here.

Online expo at Kharkiv Gender Museum
Онлайн виставка в Харківському гендерному музеї

Come check out my small expo as well as other local artists at the Fucar22 Art Gallery! Check out my latest works and merchandise!

From June 8 to June 28, you can familiarize yourself with the exhibition “Incredibles” about prominent women of Ukraine to the 140th anniversary of the Ukrainian Women’s Movement and the project “Ukrainian mystics” in the space of the Ukrainian center Domivka @domivka.co in Vienna.

Від 8 і до 28 червня ви можете ознайомитися з виставкою “Incredibles” про визначних жінок України до 140-річчя Українського жіночого руху та проєктом “Українські мисткині” у просторі українського центру Домівка @domivka.co у Відні.

Woman’s history month in two locations in Madrid!

Expo at Bier Pause in Mercado De La Cebada!

Expo at Chinaski!

Collaboration between two Ukrainian artists Tanya Kornienko Art and Curioso!

Currently ongoing expo at the Artprostir gallery in Ukraine!

Currently ongoing expo at the Paraska Plytka Horytsvit museum in Ukraine!

New expo from November till December 2023 in Madrid! Details here!

Previous Expo!


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